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Working with Callsavvy Webhooks

?Caller Information POST » ‹Your Callback URL›

Callsavvy will send the following JSON data to your webhook URL via HTTP POST each time a call is received by your business;

POST data (json)
    "event": "callerInformation",
    "call_department":"‹ID of the department being called›",
    "caller_number":"‹Caller's phone number›",

Your server is expected to respond with the following json data
    "status": "success",
    "caller_name":"‹Caller name to display on the call screen›",
    "caller_email":"‹Caller's email address›",
    "customer_info":"‹Any custom information you want to display on the call screen›"

Call Summary POST » ‹Your Callback URL›

Callsavvy will send the following JSON data to your webhook URL via HTTP POST at the end of each call;

POST data (json)
    "event": "callSummary",
    "call_direction":"‹Direction of the call (Incoming or Outgoing)›",
    "call_department":"‹ID of the department being called›",
    "caller_number":"‹Caller's phone number›",
    "recording_url":"‹URL to the call recording file›",
    "call_duration":"‹Duration of the call in seconds›",

No response is expected from your server.

New Ticket POST » ‹Your Callback URL›

Callsavvy will send the following JSON data to your webhook URL via HTTP POST each time a new ticket is opened to your business;

POST data (json)
    "event": "newTicketOpened",
    "ticket_id":"‹ID of the new ticket›",
    "ticket_department":"‹ID of the ticket department›",
    "ticket_subject":"‹Subject of the ticket›",
    "sender_email":"‹The sender's email address›",

No response is expected from your server.

Ticket Escalation POST » ‹Your Callback URL›

Callsavvy will send the following JSON data to your webhook URL via HTTP POST each time a ticket escalated;

POST data (json)
    "event": "ticketEscalated",
    "ticket_id":"‹ID of the escalated ticket›",
    "ticket_department":"‹ID of the ticket department›",
    "last_ticket_reply":"‹Date and Time ticket was last replied (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)›",
    "ticket_subject":"‹Subject of the ticket›",
    "sender_email":"‹The sender's email address›",
    "ticket_status":"‹Status of the ticket›"

No response is expected from your server.

New Chat POST » ‹Your Callback URL›

Callsavvy will send the following JSON data to your webhook URL via HTTP POST each time a visitor starts a new live-chat with your business;

POST data (json)
    "event": "newChat",
    "chat_department":"ID of the chat department›",
    "visitor_name":"‹The visitor's name›",
    "visitor_email":"‹The visitor's email address›",
    "visitor_phone":"‹The visitor's phone number›"

No response is expected from your server.

Chatbot Response Request POST » ‹Your Callback URL›

Callsavvy will send the following URL-Form Encoded data to your webhook URL via HTTP POST each time a chatbot or auto-responder event needs to get response from your server;

POST data (url-form-encoded)
    "event": "chatbotCallback",
    "original_message":"‹The message content that triggered the bot",
    "sender_name":"‹The message sender's name›",
    "bot_name":"‹The name you set for the chatbot which triggered the event›",
    "department":"‹The name of the originating department if applicable›",
    "business_name":"‹Your business name on Callsavvy›"

A valid Text or HTML response expected from your server.

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